Toggle Navigation

Open the Navigation Management window, which can be used to view the full current branch of the menu tree, and edit it.



Image Picker for Section 0
Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.


Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

音乐节费用: $2600 


费用包含音乐学员两节专业课, 室内乐指导课, 大师班, 比赛及演出的钢琴伴奏, 所有音乐会门票, 讲座, 全美艺术教育年度展会, 国际健康和旅行保险, 设施使用费, 酒店式学生公寓 (双人间) 以及全套卧室用品和清洁服务, 从7月24日晚餐到8月4日晚餐的所有餐食,全职双语宿舍管理员和音乐节工作人员的费用, 以及丰富多样的社交及户外活动。

费用也同时包含了美术设计学员的所有美术系主楼设施使用费, 每天的小课和大师班, 创作材料费, 比赛, 及举办展览的费用。我们欢迎家长或老师以相同的价格陪同观摩音乐节, 我们会为您每天安排不同的活动​。

费用也同时包含了未来大师营学员的营地使用费, 非音乐类所有活动的交通及费用。 

(被要求但不能来陪同“未来大师营”国际营员的家长可选择付$1500由音乐节专职双语监护人在音乐节期间全程陪同营员。14岁以上的MPF国际学员家长也可以选择付 $1500由音乐节专职双语监护人在音乐节期间全程陪同)



(7月20日至7月24日, 以及8月5日至6日)

费用包含机场接送, 3-4星级酒店, 旅行所需门票, 双语导游, 空调大巴, 所有餐食(已包括小费)。我们欢迎未来大师 营营员, 被要求陪同的家长或老师以相同的价格陪同观摩。

(被要求但不能来陪同”未来大师营”国际营员的家长可选择付$600由音乐节专职双语监护人在美国音乐之旅期间全程陪同营员。14岁以上的MPF国际学员家长也可以选择付 $600由音乐节专职双语监护人在美国音乐之旅期间全程陪 同)



学生宿舍单人间全程费用:$280美元(7月23 - 8月4日) 

酒店单人间全程​费用:$350美元(7月20日 - 7 月23日, 及8月5日) 


音乐节建议您使用美国蓝资源亚洲华语区资深的双语网上报名及美国签证咨询专家 (过去两年的音乐节录取率和美国签证率为 99%), 他们将另外收取相关服务费用。

MPF 中国报名代表及签证咨询胡老师手机:137 9547 1048  





── 費城交響樂團首席小提琴家David Kim


───音樂節學員孫啓源 (中國中央音樂學院附中學生) 


───音樂節學員王瀚悅 (中國



── 曼哈頓音樂學院大提琴教授Alan Stepansky


───音樂節學員聶鑫 (中國廈門大學音樂本科生) 




───MPF 音樂節學員Chih-Yi Huang (台灣) 


請聯繫MPF的實名志願者們。他們是MPF的校友, 家長, 觀摩者, 教授。他們願意與您分享他們在MPF的親身經歷。(聯繫方式為微信名)


孫梓桐,首都師範大學鋼琴研究生: szt19871024

孫啟源,中央音樂學院附中小提琴學生: Y1251225


王瀚悅,華東師範大學本科小提琴學生: wHy-JoanNe

姚丹,華東師範大學本科中提琴學生: Arrior1226


章文,武漢音樂學院本科大提琴學生: zwhaha

何睿琪 ,武漢音樂學院附中大提琴學生: Arrior1226


孫曉雪老師,特邀藝術家,首都師範大學鋼琴副教授: 13311585332


儲丹丹, 未来大師營家長/觀摩者: 13822199927

王曉輝, 未来大師營家長/觀摩者: Prettyfacetoyou

叶蓉,星海音樂學院本科鋼琴學生: __Yer  (有两个破折号)


劉恩汝,深圳藝校本科大提琴提琴學生: eln286298


章彰, 廈門大學本科大提琴學生: Double_z_cello

聶鑫, 廈門大學本科小提琴學生: EvanTaylor


俞李浩名, 福建師範大學本科小提琴學生: lol940616


未來大師營員黃之怡家長,Vivian 黃女士: vivianju1998


Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Page Settings and MetaData:
(Not Shown on the Page)
Page Settings
MetaData for Search Engine Optimization