Toggle Navigation

Open the Navigation Management window, which can be used to view the full current branch of the menu tree, and edit it.



Image Picker for Section 0
Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.


Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.



2018年7月24日 至 8月5日​

(國際學生專享"美國音樂之旅": 7月20日至7月24日, 及8月5至6日)


主辦方: 美國藍資源/美國特拉華大學名家音樂季

贊助及協辦方:特拉華大學孔子學院, 中國音樂基金會(美國)及中國凱西國際藝術中心    




音樂節經理人:Melissa Kitchen


未來大師夏令營總經理:Laura Kerst​​

音樂節演出部主任:John Alt

未來大師夏令營藝術總監:Justin Chou





  • 指揮, 音乐理论,小提琴, 中提琴, 大提琴, 低音提琴, 鋼琴, 古典吉他, 豎琴, 長笛, 單簧管, 雙簧管, 巴松, 法國號及打擊樂學員(14歲以上, 年齡無上限, 需要上傳視頻考試)
  • 未來大師營音樂及非音樂學員(14歲以下, 需要​上傳視頻考試, 音樂天賦極高的小營員也將參加音樂節部份演出活動)
  • 學員家長
  • 音樂節觀摩者



由享譽盛名的美國藍資源(美國藝術教育策劃咨詢機構) 協同美國特拉華(或德拉華)大學名家音樂季聯合推出, 在美麗的特拉華大學校區*舉辦的名家音樂節(MPF)是一個為期12天的, 當今美國頂級的音樂強化訓練夏令營。這個雙語國際夏令營將為年輕音樂家們提供世界級的音樂會體驗以及獨一無二的訓練課程。無年齡上限的參與者們將通過一對一小課, 公開大師課, 國際比賽,室內樂和交響樂演奏課, 爵士樂體驗課, 以及世界音樂體驗課向世界著名音樂家學習。同時音樂節還將每天提供講座並舉辦國際一流的音樂會。通過由美國藍資源策劃舉辦的"全美私立住校高中和音樂學院年度展會", MPF也能幫助年輕音樂家們提前準備他們未來在美國的學習和事業。

MPF在為14歲以下的音樂與非音樂學員舉辦 "未來大師營​"的同時, 每年接待了眾多觀摩者和家長參與。請到我們的官網上了解MPF為營員, 家長及觀摩者安排的各自行程詳情。

*特拉華大學坐落在美國的第一獨立州: 特拉華州, 其位置毗鄰重要的音樂, 金融, 和文化中心包括首府華盛頓, 巴爾的摩, 費城和紐約市。





MPF在音樂節活動之前和之後為感興趣的國際學員們安排了一個特別的短途旅行:"美國音樂之旅​"。MPF將會提供優秀的雙語導遊和MPF的工作人員, 以確保高水準的服務質量, 給學員們一次難忘的美國之行。行程包括遊覽歷史名勝和著名觀光景點以及美國重要的音樂地標。學員們將參觀紐約的朱麗亞音樂學院, 曼哈頓音樂學院, 林肯中心, 紐約愛樂樂團音樂廳,卡內基音樂廳, 和百老匯; 費城的柯蒂斯音樂學院, 費城交響樂團音樂廳, 賓州大學, 和天普大學; 巴爾的摩的皮博迪音樂學院, 巴爾的摩交響樂團音樂廳,約翰霍普金斯大學; 首府華盛頓的肯尼迪藝術中心, 國家交響樂團音樂廳等。


Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

David Bromberg Fine Violins in Wilmington, Delaware is a proud sponsor of MPF.​​​​
Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Page Settings and MetaData:
(Not Shown on the Page)
Page Settings
MetaData for Search Engine Optimization